Find Justice in God

Jer Master, C.S.B., of Bombay, India
Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church,
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts


Several years ago, I received a telephone bill which was excessive. The telephone was needed in my office for receiving calls, rather than making them. For years, ever since it was installed, the bill had never exceeded the minimum any subscriber had to pay. This time, it was more than three times greater. When this was pointed out to their accounts office, I was told that I had to pay it, and then I could protest. The telephone company, being government-owned, is a monopoly, so I had to do as instructed. The next bill was a normal figure.

After two months, an appointment was given to me to meet the Chief Engineer of the exchange in that locality. He asked me to prove that I had not made that many calls, and was not willing to accept the only evidence I could offer, which was the bills of the past several years. He insisted I must have had long conversations with someone in Delhi. Or that perhaps, my cleaning woman may have done so or let someone else use the telephone in my absence. Protestations of our innocence had no effect on him. When I described a similar experience my neighbor down the hall had had because of a change of meter, he advised me not to listen to loose talk. When I insisted that my neighbor had shown me the file of correspondence with the exchange, he checked on it with his staff, and realized I had been stating facts. Nevertheless, at the end of the interview, he still would not admit his office had made a mistake, and said in a rather haughty tone, that he was in a quasi-judicial position, and was not impressed with what I had to say.

It was not a happy ending, but I refused to accept it as an ending. I did what I was now accustomed to doing — turned to God. I prayed to know that the telephone company and I were both within God's jurisdiction. The Bible speaks of Him as the Judge. He alone is the Supreme Authority. Innocence is a quality of Truth. Truth, spelled with a capital T, is another name for God. Therefore, innocence is strength, it is not weakness. Innocence has power, the power to overcome the injustice of another's mistake. This innocence was inherent not only to me but to all — to the staff at the Exchange and the Chief Engineer. It was important not to be judgmental myself. No resentment or mental accusation of inefficiency was entertained.

I could not do anything more myself to rectify matters, but I could trust in God's power. A subsequent bill gave me credit for more than a thousand calls, which was not much use to me, but at least it indicated some effort towards rectification. A month or so later, I received a Money Order from them, refunding the excess amount billed. There has been no further trouble in this direction.

We often hear of more serious injustices in the world around us. Innocent people are injured or killed during terrorist attacks, bonded laborers are unable to free themselves from cruel employers, children are exploited and ill-treated, women are battered and looked down upon as inferior beings, corruption hinders the growth of the nation. The list will go on and on. Less dramatic injustices occur in offices, bureaucracies, socially and in families.

In a democracy, there is a serious and earnest attempt to dispense the highest justice. However, there are many flaws. Human law can be interpreted in different ways to the point of misinterpretation. Its level of justice is influenced by the wisdom and honesty of the people involved, and generally by the limitations of the human mind that can see only a few narrow solutions.

Businesses, offices, families, do not always function on a democratic basis. The rule of authority here is often dictatorial.

Going to a Court of Law is not something everyone can do or wants to do. The average person is hesitant to embark on a law suit. They may be ignorant of the legal process, not willing to undergo the expenses or the time often involved, not to mention the uncertainties of the human judicial system.

Our administration of justice is based on the adversary system. It is accepted that two people are opposed to each other and, therefore, only one can win, the other must lose; that their interests cannot coincide. It is almost like a boxing match. It is like saying that there is always right and wrong, good and evil, love and hate.

The human mind accepts opposites, as both being real — good is real and evil is also real. The balance of power is sometimes on the side of good, and sometimes on the side of evil. That is what makes justice seem uncertain and often remote. Is there a way out of this quandary? What can one individual do? Can we buck the system? Can we do anything to find justice that is more reliable?

Yes. We can pray, turn to God, knowing He is right with us. The Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, says, "The attributes of God are justice, mercy, wisdom, goodness, and so on."(1) Justice is an attribute of God and, therefore, infallible and is not a mere variable human quality. Because it is a divine quality, it is unchanging, omnipotent, totally dependable, working universally to bless all. This blessing rests on all simultaneously.

Mrs. Eddy was an American woman who lived in the 19th century. She had long been a student of the Bible. After a healing experience she had in 1866, when she was healed of a serious injury through reading in the Bible how Jesus healed, she read the Bible with a deep, searching interest until she really began to understand the allness of God and His completely spiritual creation. The injustices of this world, the pain and suffering we see around us are not part of His creation.

It was clear to her that God is the source of all intelligence and wisdom. She says, "God is Mind: all that Mind, God, is, or hath made, is good, and He made all. Hence evil is not made and is not real."(2) This is a very logical statement. God, being the only Creator, made everything and made it good. The Bible says, "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."(3) Therefore, as we continue reasoning along these lines, we can conclude that there really can be no evil actually made. Then how can there be a right side and a wrong side — a good side and an evil side? Everything is good. To quote from the textbook again, "All reality is in God and His creation, harmonious and eternal. That which He creates is good, and He makes all that is made."(4)

Now what happens to our concept of justice? Is it a question of deciding between good and evil? No! All that really exists is good. The nature of God is to give good to all. That is His concept of justice, the only right concept of it. Does this sound too good to be true, too simplistic? Because it is good, it is true, but it needs to be demonstrated in our experience through a deeper understanding of God and His government of the universe.

Although the world may sometimes seem chaotic to us, Mrs. Eddy realized, through her research and study, that all that God creates, and does, is totally systematic and according to fixed laws. So, a synonym, another name she used, for God, is Principle. Principle implies a set of rules and laws. God, divine Principle, is the source of all true law. So God is the actual source of justice. We find it, when we look for it in Him, not in human circumstances or from other human beings.

The one divine Principle governs all, whether a poor villager or a business magnate. We are His equally beloved children. To Him, there are no VIP's demanding special deference, no basis for envy, often a factor leading to injustice. God is the living Principle, having absolute power, supreme over any so-called physical power, the Principle of justice, harmony, happiness, and of health. Inharmony, injustice, sickness can have no principle or law. They are mistakes, just a lack of comprehending and perceiving the nature of God. After all, there is no mathematical principle that permits 2+2 to be 7. Injustice, therefore, calls for correction, but that correction is for a clearer understanding of God's presence and power right where an unjust situation seems to be.

The Bible assures us that, "God is love"(5). The justice of Love is to be loving towards all. It embraces all of His creation, never playing favorites. It provides and gives, never takes away nor deprives. It is pure and patient. Infinite Love is unlimited, ever-present. It is never an accuser, never condemns. It is the perfect Love that eliminates fear, for to fear, indicates we have not understood the allness of Love.

The textbook often speaks of God as divine Principle, Love. "Love, the divine Principle, is the Father and Mother of the universe, including man."(6) Love is therefore also the basis of law. True law then is the manifestation of Love, which enables us to trust in the expectancy of good.

The Golden Rule

In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave us the Golden Rule: "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them."(7) We need to be just ourselves if we want to receive justice. There is no justice in doing something to someone else which you would not want happen to you. If you don't want another to hit you, it is better not to start a fight yourself. If you don't want someone to malign you, don't speak ill of them. If you don't want something to be grabbed away from you, you don't grab what belongs to them whether it is their job, or spouse, or their peace and joy. Now, you will say this is so obvious. Any moral person behaves correctly because it is the right thing to do and not out of fear of the consequences.

But what if you are in a position where the other person is making things tough for you, and there is no human way of gaining redress. What if the boss, or another employee in the organization is hindering your work, then where do you find justice? You are too upright to stoop to the mean ways of an unscrupulous person. And you certainly can't dominate your boss! Does one just have to tolerate it, or start looking for another job? If you are enjoying your job, already hold a good, fairly high position after years of honest, hard work, it is not easy to quit and find something equally satisfying and rewarding elsewhere.

Some years ago, when I was in my former profession, I was in a difficult spot. I was on the staff of an organization for several years, enjoyed my work, and now was head of my department. A man in the administration office was constantly finding fault with the work of the whole department. He put as many obstructions as possible in the day-to-day work, which had formerly run quite smoothly. This was happening not just in my department but throughout the institution. He was generally disliked. The only one to support him, was the senior most administrative officer, so there was no way we could even get our case heard, leave alone have it remedied. This had been going on for some time, and nobody was able to do anything, except complain, and criticize him.

About this time, I had begun the study of Christian Science, and had been told that when viewed correctly, we should see man, that is, all men, not as difficult, cantankerous and dominating, but as the spiritual image and likeness of God, as the Bible says in Genesis, Chapter 1. The word spiritual indicates that which is derived from God. The highest justice we can express is to think of ourselves and our fellowman as the perfect reflections of God. That seemed rather a tall order to me, you might say, virtually impossible. How could I think of him as being Godlike when he did so much wrong every day. But, as I read the textbook, especially references pertaining to the man God created — e.g. "Man is spiritual and perfect; and because he is spiritual and perfect, he must be so understood in Christian Science."(8) — my thought gradually began to change. If you believe in God at all, you have to acknowledge that He is the only Creator, and that man, His highest idea, cannot embody characteristics so different from his Maker. It sounded logical, but my own human sense, which was accepting the picture my eyes and ears were reporting, found it difficult to stick to divine logic. But persistence in following spiritual reasoning, in accepting only God's laws of perfect justice, over a period of about two weeks, finally brought me to a point where I could honestly say, I had seen this man, not as an erring human, but truly expressing God's qualities of wisdom, justice, mercy, kindness, and so on. I felt somewhat at peace. But the problem still continued. It seemed like what I had been studying and praying with was just theory or philosophy. I was somewhat disappointed and disconcerted. Occasionally I wished I could work elsewhere, but such jobs at that time, in that field, were limited. Even if I did find another similar appointment, I'd probably lose my seniority. At one stage it almost seemed as if I might have to leave; it was so unfair, so unjust.

At this point, I prayed very humbly to God to show me where I had gone wrong, and what I still needed to do. It then dawned on me that, although I was accepting in theory that this man was the image of God, therefore the image of Love, I was not putting it into practice and behaving in accord with this understanding. When I went to work, I avoided meeting him. If I saw him down the corridor, I'd dodge into some other department. That was not being loving at all.

It took a lot of humility to take the initiative to be friendly. Inwardly, I rebelled. Why did I have to do it? He was the nasty person; everyone said so. But I knew that human opinions would lead nowhere and were not in conformity with God's law of Love. If the law was to work for me, obedience to it on my part was essential. It was an effort to surrender all human reasoning, self-righteousness, condemnation, and judgment. Once these were given up, a great sense of compassion for him was felt. He must have known he was unpopular, and that probably made him feel very isolated. That was not true of his spiritual selfhood, which was totally loved by God.

The next morning I went to work with a willingness to act according to the substance of my prayers. When I entered the building, this man was standing outside his office. I went straight up to him, wished him a cheerful "Good Morning". You should have seen the startled look on his face, but from then on, all the trouble just vanished. There was peace and harmony, not only in my department but all departments. He became a very good friend and ally, and subsequently helped me in other difficult situations. It was not just a matter of my being humanly diplomatic or burying the hatchet and showing friendliness. That certainly would not have worked or at least would not have lasted long. The Christ spoke to me, as well as to him. The Christ is not a human being but God's healing message to us, coming in a way we can understand and on which we can act.

Christ, the Divine Message from God

To the people in his community, Jesus was Mary's son. His holy identity as the spiritual idea of God, the offspring of Spirit, is known as the Christ. His entire life was the expression of God's nature. Mrs. Eddy says, "Christ is the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to men speaking to the human consciousness. The Christ is incorporeal, spiritual, — yea, the divine image and likeness, dispelling the illusions of the senses; the Way, the Truth, and the Life, healing the sick and casting out evils, destroying sin, disease, and death."(9)

As we understand what is true of ourselves and others, the truth as God knows it, our thought is freed from a human view of mankind frequently in conflict with each other. This message, accepted as the reality of God and man, brings healing. The Christ message is always a just one, because it is a message from divine Principle, Love. It expresses the perfect law of God, the universal love of God. In the instance just related, I had been blessed by the law of Love and so had the other man. There was no room for further animosity.

An advocate, knowing the specific law which will free us, pleads on our behalf. The Bible speaks of Christ as advocate. "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous."(10) The Christ represents what constitutes our true identity. Pleading our case on this basis, we can realize we are unfettered, fulfilled, satisfied, and not badgered, beleaguered under trials at the mercy of a cold government.

Thus far, we have talked of seeking justice for the innocent. But what if someone is guilty of breaking the law. Are they doomed? No, there is hope! Reformation is essential, but when based only on human good intentions, it may not always last. Temptation may overcome the individual again. As he begins to understand who he really is, in relation to God, he will see that his sinful acts are not true of his real selfhood. The temptations that dragged him down have no power over him. This provides a release, the freedom to reform permanently and go forward to a new and happier life.

Do you know what Jesus' standard of justice was? "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."(11) He lived what he taught. His admonition to those who had done wrong, was to cease doing it. His judgment of everyone he met was Christly. He forgave through his deep love, and totally healed sensuality, corruption, and sin of every sort. He even forgave those who crucified him. That enabled him to win his glorious victory over the grave in his resurrection. He could truly love even those who plotted his destruction because he understood power as the sole prerogative of God, Love. Hatred could have no power in the presence of such pure Godlike love. Love is on the throne, not hate.

Obedience to God's Law

Earlier on, mention was made of obedience. Law is meant to be obeyed, by all, without exception. God demands our obedience to His law of purity, goodness, honesty, and love. It is of greatest value only if done willingly, wholeheartedly, and instantly. Instant willing obedience gets instant results. That is how Jesus always performed his instantaneous healings. Obedience to God is in proportion to our love for Him. It has to be consistent and total, we cannot combine it with human expedience.

We need a willingness to obey the will of God, even if it seems contrary to human reasoning. That way we are using our spiritual sense, with which we look away from the picture of injustice or evil, and acknowledge the allness of God and His perfect universe and man. This is not putting on blinkers, on the contrary it opens our eyes to see the good that actually exists.

The Psalmist says, "Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law."(12) Spiritual sense is a state of thought that lives in the conscious awareness of God's presence, the presence of good, not just when the need arises, but continuously. With it we understand life as God has created it, joyous and free, not plagued with anxieties. Then we know that all good is possible.

Our own cherished views of how justice should come about, need to be abandoned. We can never lose by following God's commands. His wisdom brings perfect justice, rather than human contriving.

God's laws are not forbidding. They bring boundless blessings. God is All, the one omnipotent Being. Because He is All, there can be nothing opposed to Him, no power apart from Him. His power liberates and governs intelligently. It is the power of God that makes justice a reality. We cannot obtain it through aggression or corruption.

No Retaliation

Obedience to God's law of love, automatically denounces any temptation to retaliate. A sentence in Science and Health says, "Revenge is inadmissible." (S&H 22:31-32). As long as that temptation lasts, we are tacitly admitting there is something other than God, good, and denying His allness. Then there seems to be a reason for conflict. The Bible says, "Say not thou, I will recompense evil; but wait on the Lord, and he shall save thee."(13)

When we accept injustice as actually happening to us, we are either feeling cut off from God or have not really understood Him. Old mythological stories portray the divine nature as permitting injustice, or as if it is included within His creation. The impression often is that suffering is in some way part of existence. Such tales of yore describe war and bloodshed as inevitable before good can gain the victory. Much drama and tragedy take place before the conflict is over. A loving God neither causes nor allows sorrow and suffering. They are unknown to Him.

Revenge is a mortal sense of justice. Fighting evil with evil just perpetuates it. When you hit back, you admit you have been hurt, that you are an isolated, separate, vulnerable mortal. But that is not what you are. You are the inspired, spiritual, much cherished beloved of God. Everyone is important to God, and certainly nobody is the child of a lesser god! When we base our thinking on the presence of God, it takes away fear, puts us on His team, till we realize everyone is on His team, He is the captain, then there is really nothing to retaliate to!

The opposite of retaliation is meekness, meekness towards God and His all-power, not submission to someone's domination. Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth."(14) Meekness enables us to give up our human estimate of the situation and accept the truth about it as God knows it. The meek willingly let go the fear and self-will that sees something that is the opposite of God's goodness. This removes human fretfulness and allows us to see the glory of the divine will.

Someone I know was once confronted with a difficulty concerning his income tax. He had started a new business just a few years earlier. Many problems had to be overcome during this period. Others involved in similar work sometimes used unethical short cuts to increase the volume of their business, but this man had resolved from the beginning to build up his establishment on sound moral principles. His income remained low for a while, initially below taxable limit.

One day, he received a summons from the Income Tax Department which was initiating an inquiry, supposing that the income declared was lower than it actually was. A long questionnaire, numbering more than thirty questions, was sent. There were detailed queries referring to both income and expenditure. At first, this seemed rather intimidating and yet, being a student of Christian Science, he immediately turned to God and recalled what Daniel had said when he had been thrown into the lion's den. Daniel had not been guilty of any wrong. He had been maneuvered into a situation where the King would cast him into the lions' den, by those who envied his status and the favor shown to him by the King. Daniel's trust in God was complete. He knew that he was innocent under God's law, that worshiping the one Supreme God was fullest obedience to God's law and was the basis of his safety. In the morning, when the King came to see whether Daniel had survived the night with the lions, Daniel answered: "My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hurt me; forasmuch as before him innocency was found in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt."(15)

This man knew that he was innocent. He had not violated any law of God or the State. Nevertheless, there was some fear initially, because he had heard so many stories about injustices and the authoritarian way in which government officials sometimes function. But, like Daniel, he held to the fact that innocence was his strength. All of God's support, protection, and justice were already his. He also realized that he needed to view government officials as also being the spiritual children of God, governed by His law of Truth and Love. They were not capable of harming an innocent person. They too had the capacity and wisdom to judge rightly. They could do nothing independent of God. He prayed this way consistently for the next three months, while the investigations proceeded.

He had to feel a genuine regard and appreciation of the work these officers were doing and feel spiritual love for them. Spiritual love sees no harmful characteristics in the individual, but understands that everyone, as the offspring of God, has inherited God's wonderful qualities. This kind of prayer totally eliminated fear. When it was necessary to visit the income tax officer, he was found to be most gracious, kind, and understanding. He totally accepted as true whatever had been submitted. The whole matter ended peacefully without further harassment.

Importance of Forgiveness to Obtain Justice

Throughout this time the vital importance of forgiveness in the healing was recognized, forgiveness towards those who had instigated the inquiry. To receive the support and power of the law of Love, we need to express pure love. Personal condemnation and judgment have no place. True forgiveness does not attach sin to any individual. As the textbook says, "The real man cannot depart from holiness, nor can God, by whom man is evolved, engender the capacity or freedom to sin."(16) It is that real man that exists right where a vindictive, selfish, greedy person may seem to be. It is that man that exists right where someone needing justice may seem to be. When viewed in this manner, the human picture recedes and fades away. For this spiritual man there is no difficult past history of anger or domination. There is no scope for flashbacks or rumination. Now we are thinking of two entirely different people, neither superior or more righteous than the other. There is neither an aggressor nor a victim. Both are pure, perfect, spiritual ideas of God, His own expressions of Himself. At this point we perceive divine Mind's perfect plan and perfect activity. Absolute forgiveness stems from absolute love, which leads to absolute justice.

Kingdom of God Within You

So you can see, that the ability to gain perfect justice is included within us. As Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is within you."(17) It is not a physical location but the consciousness of universal harmony. As the textbook says, "Let unselfishness, goodness, mercy, justice, health, holiness, love — the kingdom of heaven — reign within us, and sin, disease, and death will diminish until they finally disappear."(18) This kingdom comes to us with power as we are meek, innocent, and persevere in the truth. We find this kingdom through the study of Christian Science. We don't have to wait for it — it is right here, within us. This can be an answer to court delays. The law of Love functions quickly and intelligently, not blindly as human law is said to be.

Mary Baker Eddy

Mrs. Eddy conquered injustice in the most Christly way. When she was 86 years old, a case was filed in court in her name by those called her "Next Friends," who were her son, grand-daughter and a nephew, against some Christian Scientists, her closest helpers. They claimed that her enormous income was not being managed correctly by these Scientists, and that they, her "next friends," would act in her interest because they believed her too senile and incompetent to handle her finances herself. Her son and other relatives were not the ones who devised the case. They had been manipulated into believing they were doing right by others who for years had tried to discredit her work.

From the type of attacks made on her, and the tone of articles published in a New York newspaper, she saw that they were aimed not just at her freedom of action but at the existence of the Christian Science church. The prosecuting attorney, in his opening speech, made that quite clear. To counter the attacks in the press, she gave three interviews to three outstanding journalists. All of them praised her mental agility, sanity, and business acumen.

Robert Peel's book "Mary Baker Eddy: The Years of Authority" has described the trial. The judge appointed three men, called Masters of the Court, to interview her to determine her competence "to intelligently manage, control, and conduct her financial affairs and property rights". This interview proved quite conclusively that she was totally alert and sane and able to conduct her own affairs. All through the time of these proceedings, people who met her found no trace of resentment or anger in her attitude. After the suit was withdrawn by the petitioners, she wrote a letter of forgiveness to one of those in whose name the suit had been brought.(19)

During the time of the trial, she mentioned to Calvin Hill, one of those helping her, "You cannot hurt anyone by telling the truth, and no one can hurt you by telling a lie." She advised her staff "not to outline what the verdict would be but to know that Truth would prevail and that divine Mind would direct the verdict". She had requested her workers to pray in a specific way.(20)

The greater injustice she felt, was on behalf of mankind, ignorantly accepting that matter, the material universe, governed them rather than God. She proclaimed man's God-given freedom as a divine right — freedom from physical laws that tie us down to disease, sin, and death. The whole of Christian Science is a call for liberation from accepting as true what the physical senses are telling us about pain and sorrow. It urges us to look beyond difficulties, use our spiritual sense to see the true God-created universe. This is by no means an escape from reality but is a very practical answer to problems by finding truth and justice in God.

Overcoming Injustice of Sickness and Age

Sickness and age can be some of the worst forms of injustice. A friend of mine had for years suffered from tooth problems. She was frequently at the dentist's. When she began studying Christian Science, she decided to apply it to gain her freedom from pain and fear. She understood that real substance was God-created, spiritual substance, ever fresh, and whole, substance that could not deteriorate, break down, or cause pain. What was her true substance? As the child of God, the substance of her being was the qualities derived from Him. As she accepted God's law of perfection she knew there could be no absolute law calling itself dentistry. God has no knowledge of pain or degeneration, therefore man His image can have no knowledge of it and cannot be governed by it. Man can have no knowledge of something God did not make. God is all-knowing. What He does not know, cannot exist. My friend claimed her right to justice under God's law and was very quickly healed. After years she was able to eat any kind of food without fear.

Sickness is actually illegitimate. No law can support malfunctioning. Law must control right action, proper functioning.

Under God's law of infinite good, there simply cannot be a law of aging. God is Life, eternal Life. Age and decrepitude cannot be associated with true Life which is spiritual and everlasting. Another friend was impelled to prove this a few years ago. She had begun to lose her hearing. She could not hear the telephone or door-bell ring. In church she sat right below the speakers, but still found it difficult to catch what was being read. Relatives and friends around her considered loss of faculties inevitable with advancing age. As a Christian Scientist she refused to accept this verdict. She studied many passages from the Bible and from the textbook, all of which deepened her understanding of the allness of God, divine Life, and therefore the nothingness of deterioration and death. The book says, "In the quiet sanctuary of earnest longings, we must deny sin and plead God's allness."(21) God's love for His child does not diminish as the years go by. It is constant, shining brightly, just like the sun. Nobody is ever separated from Love. Love is not something to measure quantitatively or with the yardstick of time. With consecrated prayer, she persisted in pleading her case by affirming these truths. Within a few days, her hearing was restored.

How do we find justice in God? By taking our case to Him, knowing only what He knows. You have seen from the illustrations given, that it does not depend on any agency outside of us. God delights in being just. His living love is already actively embracing us — a force supporting us right now, right here. A study of the Bible shows that He has been telling us about His perfect justice and love through the ages, even in circumstances where it seemed humanly impossible. We are responsible for our own thinking. Obedience to the law of Love, practicing forgiveness, compassion, holding wholeheartedly to man's spiritual innocence, brings the power of this Love to bear on a given situation.

Does it sound quite different from traditional methods? Try it when faced with any injustice, minor or major. You will be astounded to see what God can do.

1 S&H 465:14
2 S&H 311:4
3 Gen 1:31
4 S&H 472:24-26
5 I John 4:8
6 S&H 256:7
7 Matt. 7:12
8 S&H 475:11-13
9 S&H 332:9-15
10 I John 2:1
11 Matt. 5:44,45
12 Ps 119:18
13 Prov. 20:22
14 Matt 5:5
15 Dan. 6:22
16 S&H 475:28-31
17 Luke 17:21
18 S&H 248:29
19 Robert Peel, Mary Baker Eddy: The Years of Authority, pgs. 280-291.
20 We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, pgs. 180-182
21 S&H 15:16-18