Drawing of Edward A. Kimball lecturing

Facts and Fictions about Christian Science
Action and Influence of Thought on the Affairs of Man

"Why Should It Be Thought Incredible That God Should Raise The Dead?"

Christian Science: The Science of Healing
The Cause and Scientific Cure of Disease

Christian Science Consistencies
The Religion of Common Sense

The Theology of Christian Science

What is the Living God?

Unlimited Promise

Some of the Indisputable Facts about Christian Science

The Availability of Christian Science in Everyday Life

Law and Power Invisible
Fear the Chief Procurator of Disease

The Power of Thought

The Divinity of Christ

The Significance of Christ Jesus’ Mission

The Primary Cause of Disease

Download all the above in
Lectures and Articles on Christian Science by Edward A. Kimball (single pdf file)

OR Lectures and Articles on Christian Science by Edward A. Kimball (single epub file)


The following are some of the items appearing in The Christian Science Sentinel following the passing of Mr. Kimball:


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A SUPPOSITIONAL gust of evil in this evil world is the dark hour that precedes the dawn. This gust blows away the baubles of belief, for there is in reality no evil, no disease, no death; and the Christian Scientist who believes that he dies, gains a rich blessing of disbelief in death, and a higher realization of heaven.        


My beloved Edward A. Kimball, whose clear, correct teaching of Christian Science has been and is an inspiration to the whole Field, is here now as veritably as when he visited me a year ago. If we would awaken to this recognition, we should see him here and realize that he never died; thus demonstrating the fundamental truth of Christian Science.          




[Published in The Christian Science Sentinel, Sept. 4, 1909]


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Boston, Mass., Sept. 5, 1909.


Beloved Teacher: — Very recently I learned of the passing on of our dear Mr. Kimball. Tenderly my loving sympathy went out to you, although I know that you do not mourn as they who have no hope, for the dear God comforteth you. Mr. Kimball was my classmate. I knew him well, and knew how he loved you and loved to serve you. He has gone on to greater usefulness and to higher joys. The knowledge of this, and the memory of his unswerving devotion to you, will brighten your ascending pathway. Today I looked into the faces of your many other steadfast students and helpers, and appreciated what a mighty army of workers God has raised up around you, who, loving not their lives unto the death, will heal the sick and reclaim the sinner as you have done and taught them to do — and nations shall arise and call you blessed.           


Error has claimed to strike down a faithful Scientist and to deal a blow at our Cause, but we know that the wrath of man shall praise God, and you have drawn nearer to the great heart of Love because of this.        


God bless, comfort, and protect you.


Tenderly your student,           




[Published in The Christian Science Sentinel, Sept. 11, 1909. Nemi Robertson was, with Edward A. Kimball, one of the members of Mrs. Eddy’s last class, held in Concord, New Hampshire, in 1898; participants in this class were present at Mrs. Eddy’s invitation, but had been summoned without being told why. Before the class began, Mr. Kimball read to his fellow students a letter from Mrs. Eddy explaining the reason they had been called together (see The Christian Science Journal, December 1898, "An Important Event").]


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Waukegan, Ill.,  Sept. 6,  1909. Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, Brookline, Mass.  


Dear Leader: — We hasten to express gratitude for your forceful and helpful lines, — "There is no Death," — published in this issue of the Sentinel. We who are Mr. Kimball's students appreciate the "clear, correct teaching" we received; and also his precept and example of unfaltering and unwavering loyalty and obedience to you. In loving and grateful appreciation for these lines we will continue to follow implicitly your every request, as he taught us to; and in humility consecrate our lives anew, that we may become better demonstrators of the truth and more worthy of the blessings we have received through him from you.    


Ever yours in love,     




MRS.  EDDY'S COMMENT.           


The above tribute to our beloved brother is just, and my soul sends forth its echo. 




[Published in The Christian Science Sentinel, Sept. 18, 1909.]


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Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 9, 1909.


Beloved Leader: — A thousand thanks for your grand trumpet tones, "There is no Death." It is reverberating through consciousness, stimulating hope, pure desire, and aspiration. God, omnipotent good, is holding you ever in His divine protection.


Devotedly yours,




[Published in The Christian Science Sentinel, Sept. 25, 1909. Sue Harper Mims was author of "An Intimate Picture of Our Leader’s Last Class," in We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, Second Series, in which she states that Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Kimball and Mr. and Mrs. Septimus J. Hanna were among the "many delightful people" that she met at the Sunday Service preceding the 1898 class in which they participated.]