Christian Science:

Its Practical Application to Daily Problems


Sim Andrew Kolliner, C.S.B., of St. Paul, Minnesota

Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church,

The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts


Sim Andrew Kolliner of St. Paul lectured on "Christian Science: Its Practical Application to Daily Problems", Monday evening in the Murat Theatre under the auspices of Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist. The speaker was introduced by George Knadler.

The lecturer spoke substantially as follows:



A Christian Science lecture is a sacred experience for the one who gives it, as well as for those who receive it. Shakespeare's reference to mercy is also applicable to a Christian Science lecture:


"It is twice blest:

It blesseth him that gives and him that takes."


In preparing a lecture, one turns prayerfully to God for guidance and inspiration. Every statement is based on the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, who wrote: "I have found nothing in ancient or in modern systems on which to found my own, except the teachings and demonstrations of our great Master and the lives of prophets and apostles. The Bible has been my only authority. I have had no other guide in 'the straight and narrow way' of Truth" (Science and Health, p. 126). A Christian Science lecture is really God's message, which always inspires, regenerates, and heals, so we all shall do well to expect immediate benefits.

Discoverer and Founder

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, has written that "to misunderstand Paul, was to be ignorant of the divine idea he taught" (ibid., p. 560). It naturally follows that one should have a correct estimate of the author of Science and Health, in order to understand her teachings.

Mrs. Eddy was a cultured New England woman, who was brought up in a Puritan household. From her youth, she was taught that the Bible is the Word of God and the spiritual guide of the ages. She also learned to turn to God in prayer for the solution of her problems.

Many events in the history of Christian Science indicate that its discovery and founding are in accordance with God's divine plan. This plan can be traced through Wycliffe's translation of the Bible, Luther's protesting, the Puritans coming to America for religious freedom, the devout religious thought of Mrs. Eddy's parents, and finally, Mrs. Eddy's unusual spiritual preparation.

Mrs. Eddy is better known as the Discoverer of Christian Science, but it is well to remember that she was also its Founder. We are grateful that she did not stop with the discovery, but also founded Christian Science, thereby perpetuating her discovery and giving us the advantage of authorized churches, Sunday schools, lectures, and teaching, as well as the many other activities through which we are benefited.

The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science proved her concept of God correct by doing marvelous healing work in His name. From Smith's "Historical Sketches" (p. 78), I have selected one out of the many cases which she healed. It reads as follows:

"When Mrs. Eddy lived in Boston, she healed another deformed or crippled man. His arms seemed useless; his legs appeared to have withered. He had to be cared for, even fed. Every day during pleasant weather he was taken to the park called Boston Common in a wheel chair and left there for an hour or two. One day, as Mrs. Eddy went through this park in the midst of Boston, she saw this man in his wheel chair and talked with him;

she spoke of the Christ, and told him the truth of his being. He felt that she had helped him, and looked for her day after day in the park. She did come again, and she spoke to him in the same way. And this time he was completely healed. Long afterward, his niece related his healing in a letter that was published in the Christian Science Sentinel for July 18, 1908."

Critics of Christian Science occasionally say that we deify or worship Mrs. Eddy; nothing could be further from the truth. Her own counsel was, "Follow your Leader only so far as she follows Christ" (Message for 1901, p. 34). Many of us have pictures of George Washington in our homes; we also find his picture in schools and public buildings, and we commemorate his birthday. Do we worship or deify George Washington? We certainly do not! We are, however, grateful to him because he fathered the form of government under which we enjoy a great measure of liberty and opportunity. We do mention Mrs. Eddy's name in our church services to indicate the authenticity of that which is being read, and when we quote from her writings, we justly give her credit. Some of us have her picture in our homes or offices. Surely this is no indicator that we deify or worship her. We are but giving her credit for what she has done for mankind in mothering the religion that has given us health, satisfaction, and inspiration. She has given us a religion that is practical and demonstrable. Many of us owe our very existence to the teachings of Christian Science, and we express our gratitude by our reverence for Mrs. Eddy, and by our acknowledgment of her as the revelator of Truth to this age.

In the early Christian church preaching and divine healing were united, then, during the Dark Ages, divine healing was largely forgotten and only the preaching remained. When Mrs. Eddy founded the Christian Science church, she reunited divine healing and preaching. This return to original Christianity is one of Mrs. Eddy's greatest contributions to mankind.


In the Christian Science textbook, "Science und Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, we find this illuminating statement (p. 390): "It is our ignorance of God, the divine Principle, which produces apparent discord, and the right understanding of Him restores harmony" It is the right idea of God which is the Savior of the race.

A college professor, who was suffering from a nervous breakdown, turned to Christian Science for help. When he made his first visit to a Christian Science practitioner, it was pointed out to the professor that "God is good." The practitioner got no further; the professor held up his hand and said: "Stop! Please remember I am an educated man. I cannot accept such a naive statement. I do not believe in God." The practitioner recognized the difficulty: the professor did not believe in a man-projected God; neither does the Christian Scientist. Accordingly the practitioner carefully explained God as the "great and only cause" (ibid., p. 207), which Christian Science teaches, and then added an explanation of the seven synonyms for God. The professor was impressed and said: "I agree! That concept of God is understandable and acceptable." In a relatively short time this man was restored to normal health, and he now knows that "God is good."

The Seven Synonyms for God

On page 465 of the Christian Science textbook, we are given the following definition of God: "God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love." An improved understanding of the seven synonyms increases our working knowledge of God. Each synonym for God has its special office or function. We shall now briefly consider the synonyms and how to apply them to our daily problems in a very practical way.

For example, infinite Mind has the special office of imparting unlimited wisdom and intelligence to His offspring. Man does not possess a separate mind of his own, but he reflects that Mind "which was also in Christ Jesus." The divine Mind, then, is the only Mind of man. Mrs. Eddy wrote, "The basis of all health, sinlessness, and immortality is the great fact that God is the only Mind; and this Mind must be not merely believed, but it must be understood" (ibid., p. 339).

A lieutenant colonel in our Air Force, who attended the Christian Science Sunday School, related to me the following experience. He was piloting a four-engine bomber on a mission; his commanding officer and his crew were with him. During the flight they met considerable opposition, and on the return trip to their African base first one engine and then another ceased to function, and while they were still over the African desert, the last two engines cut out. The pilot landed the plane in the desert sands with no damage to the plane and without injury to the occupants. This was the first time that a four-engine plane had been landed in the desert with the motors dead, without cracking up the plane and injuring the occupants. The young man spoke very modestly of the experience, and I said to him, "You must have done your metaphysical work very well indeed."

He answered: "I did no work after the motors began cutting out. It did not seem necessary, because I had done my work before I took off. Before leaving the field, we check with the home station to be sure that our receiving set is in tune; before I take off on a mission, I check to make sure I am in tune with divine Mind and governed by His wisdom."

Spirit "uplifts mankind." In the business or professional world, we find it helpful and profitable to "rise in the strength of Spirit to resist all that is unlike good" (ibid., p. 393). Business in God's universe is based on, and operated by, unchanging law. It is in reality the perfect relationship of God and man. It is the business of a Christian Scientist to know enough about God and man to enable him to distinguish between right and wrong, and to truly serve the Lord by doing good.

I know a man who had a very successful coal brokerage business in one of our large cities. He left his business to enter the Army, and when he was discharged he found that his business had vanished. Most of the buyers he had known were gone, and all the concerns had made new purchasing arrangements. Although he worked hard for weeks, he was unable to reestablish his business. He did not receive enough orders to pay his operating expenses and soon began to use his savings. One Wednesday evening, when he was particularly discouraged, he accompanied his wife to a Christian Science testimony meeting. On the way home, his wife noticed that he seemed quite hopeful, and she asked him if he had enjoyed the meeting. He said, "Very much; I found just what I needed."

She said: "I am so grateful. Did you enjoy the reading from the desk?"

He answered, "Not particularly."

"Did you enjoy the testimonies?"

He said, "Not especially."

"Well," she said, "for goodness sake! What was it that favorably impressed you?"

He answered "It was the phrase that occurred in the first hymn, 'When orders come from heaven'" (Christian Science Hymnal, No 92).

This was the awakening he needed. He learned that he must first seek the kingdom of heaven, and then all things would be added unto him. The next day as he went about his business, he realized that individuals or firms are not the real source of orders, but that "orders come from heaven." He did receive orders that day, the next day, and each day thereafter, until finally his business was reestablished. It is gratifying to tell you that he became an earnest student of Christian Science.

"Soul rebukes sense" (Science and Health, p. 350). Soul refutes human sense or material consciousness, and imparts a clear concept of the harmony of spiritual sense or consciousness, which emanates from God. Mrs. Eddy wrote, "If it were possible for the real senses of man to be injured, Soul could reproduce them in all their perfection; but they cannot be disturbed nor destroyed, since they exist in immortal Mind, not in matter" (ibid., p. 488).

A man in his middle eighties lost his sense of sight as the result of an operation on one of his eyes. The physician who operated offered no hope of recovery — in fact, said the man would always be totally blind. The Christian Science practitioner who was called to assist the man did his work entirely by silent prayer, because the man could not see to read and understood no English. He humbly and persistently realized that the real senses of man "exist in immortal Mind, not in matter," hence, in the absolute, sight "cannot be disturbed nor destroyed," but remains at the standpoint of perfection. This fervent prayer, including the right idea of Soul, man, and vision, was tangibly manifested by restored sight, and very soon the man was able to perform his normal duties.

"Principle makes whole the diseased, and brings out the enduring and harmonious phases of things" (ibid., p. 487). Principle emphasizes spiritual man's immortality and indestructibility. Our Leader wrote, "When understood, Principle is found to be the only term that fully conveys the ideas of God, — one Mind, a perfect man, and divine Science" (No and Yes, p. 20).

Jesus said, "I am not alone, because the Father is with me" (John 16:32). We shall be greatly blessed by more fully realizing that we are not alone, because the Father, divine Principle, is always with us. The following illustration will assist us in remaining consciously aware of the presence of divine Principle, God.

A young boy was working in the garden when some of the neighborhood boys decided to creep up on him and molest him. As they came crashing through the hedge, they discovered to their amazement that the boy's father was working with him. They turned and fled in dismay when they realized the boy was not alone. Illness, lack, unhappiness, or sorrow may attempt to molest us, but they also will flee when it is discovered that we are not alone because the Father, divine Principle, is with us.

Life triumphs over death. Life, God, is without beginning and without end, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Life is neither a matter of heartbeats nor clock ticks; Life is God, omnipresent good. We shall do well to realize always that man's immortality is assured because God is the only Life, without beginning and without end. Throughout his entire ministry, Jesus taught and proved Life to be eternal.

A fine old pastor was delivering his Sunday sermon one spring morning. The weather was balmy, so some of the church windows were open, and as he preached, a bee flew in, buzzed around, and finally rested on the pastor's hand. The bee stung him and then flew away, circled around, and finally came to rest on the bare arm of a little child in a front pew. The pastor thought to himself: "Oh, what a pity! Now the bee will sting the little child." However, he quickly realized that the bee could not sting the child because it had left its stinger in him.

When Jesus arose from the tomb, he removed forever the sting of death for himself and showed mankind how to remove the sting of death from themselves. He proved that Life is eternal and is not dependent upon bodily conditions. "Life is, like Christ, 'the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever'" (Science and Health, p. 249).

"Truth is God's remedy for error of every kind, and Truth destroys only what is untrue" (ibid., p. 142). The law of Truth heals sickness of every kind and nature through Christian Science, and attributes all power to God.

A gentleman, whose physician told him that his condition was hopeless because he had a very serious case of Bright's disease, turned to Christian Science for help. The Christian Science practitioner he selected told him of the spiritual law of Truth. As his understanding of this law increased, his health improved and he was soon completely healed; a little later he successfully passed an examination for life insurance.

The understanding of the spiritual law of Truth establishes our consciousness of that which is real, canceling that which is unreal. The word "unreal," as used in Christian Science, means not true, not a fact, not of God. When we say a thing is "unreal," we do not mean that it cannot be seen or felt by the material senses, but we do mean that it is not a fact, because it is not made by God. In John's Gospel we read, "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." If God did not make a thing, it is not created; it is, therefore, "unreal."

"Love destroys hate" (Science and Health, p. 339), and imparts patience, kindness, humility, forbearance, unselfishness, and faith. Love removes "hatred and its effects on the body" (Ibid., p. 374).

Divine Love, or God, is continually giving good to His children. If someone seems to dislike or even malign us, we turn to God, Love, filling our thought with kindness, forgiveness, and genuine love; we then realize that what others think about us is not really important; it is what we think about others that matters. If we love others and think justly and kindly about them, this constitutes our protection. If we seem to lack needful things, we realize that God, divine Love, is the Giver of all good gifts, and He has bestowed upon us everything we need. This spiritual truth acts as a law of annihilation to the belief of lack, and establishes a sense of abundance in our experience. God's giving assures us of infinite supply.

When Luther's Bible was being printed in German, pieces of the printed paper were allowed to fall carelessly to the floor of the shop. One day the printer's daughter picked up a piece of paper on which she found the words "God so loved the world, that he gave . . . " What followed had not yet been printed. Up to this time, she had been taught that God was to be feared. The thought that "God so loved the world, that he gave" was a new idea to her, and it made life joyous. When her mother asked her why she was so happy, the child reached in her pocket and handed the crumpled piece of paper to her mother. Her mother read it and said, "'God so loved the world, that he gave . . . ' What was it that He gave?"

The child was perplexed for a moment, and then said, "I do not know what it was that He gave, but if He loved us well enough to give us anything, we need not be afraid of Him." The child had gained a clear concept of God as Love. May we all more fully realize that God so loves the world, that He meets our every need.

In Him We Live

We shall find it helpful to realize that we dwell in Him. Paul wrote, "In him we live, and move, and have our being." In God we are entirely surrounded by good; we are surrounded by God, and in Him there is no pain, sorrow, lack, nor disease. In Him all is harmony and perfection. What a joy it is to realize that we are not in danger, in a quandary, nor in jeopardy, because we are always in Him, in the consciousness of Love.

We can protect our young men and women who are in the armed forces of our country by realizing that in the absolute truth of being they are in God, entirely surrounded by His goodness, His love, and His protection. Mentally place them in God, and keep them there. They are "hid with Christ in God," where there can be no evil or error. We find this helpful statement in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 6): "That we exist in God, perfect, there is no doubt, for the conceptions of Life, Truth, and Love must be perfect; and with that basic truth we conquer sickness, sin, and death."

Divine Healing

Physical health is in reality an improved belief about health, God, and man. A Christian Science treatment is a devout Christianly scientific prayer. It is the Word "made flesh" among us. Hence, a Christian Science treatment is sacred, effective, powerful, and dynamic. The Christ, Truth, expressed in the treatment is that which heals.

In this lecture, I frequently refer to man as disclosed to the physical senses for the purpose of exposing and healing error. It is necessary, however, to clearly understand that the real man is spiritual and perfect. In her definition of man, Mrs. Eddy wrote, "Man is spiritual and perfect; and because he is spiritual and perfect, he must be so understood in Christian Science" (ibid., p. 475).

God said to Abraham, "I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect" (Gen. 17:1). Man, God's image, does not need to be improved; in fact, could not be. He exists at the standpoint of perfection.

A Girl Scout, an earnest student in the Christian Science Sunday School, was going to spend some time at camp. When the truck came to her home to collect her blanket roll and luggage, it was already piled high. A boy was perched on top of the pile to catch the blanket rolls and suitcases when they were tossed up to him. When this girl tossed her suitcase, the boy missed it, and it came sliding off the truck and the corner of the suitcase struck her temple so hard that she momentarily lost consciousness.

Her parents immediately came to her aid, but before they reached her, she had regained consciousness, stood up, and declared, "I remain unhurt." She went on to camp without any ill effects from the blow. The Christian Science Sunday School had given this child a firm foundation. Her statement, "I remain unhurt," was the result of her clear realization that she was the perfect child of God, and irrespective of the suggestion of accident, injury, or aftereffects, she remained perfect, unhurt. She knew that God had created her absolutely perfect, and that nothing could be added to or taken from His complete and perfect creation; consequently, she remained unhurt.

God is the one and only healer. If we are giving ourselves a Christian Science treatment, it will be well to realize that God unfolds all that we need to know to establish the truth in our consciousness and to eliminate the claims of error. If we are treating another, it is our blessed privilege to place ourselves and the one whom we are treating under God's care, being assured that God unfolds to all concerned the divine ideas that eliminate error and reveal His perfect man.

Our Leader wrote (Science and Health, p. 411), "Always begin your treatment by allaying the fear of patients;" and she continued, "If you succeed in wholly removing the fear, your patient is healed." God is All; God is Love, and God is good. We are not afraid of infinite good, nor of divine Love. There is, therefore, nothing of which to be afraid; consequently, there is no fear.

Fear is a lack of complete faith in God’s power, willingness and ability to care for us. Faith is a complete confidence in God's power, willingness, and ability to meet our every need. Fear is neither cause nor effect. Fear is not a channel nor an avenue, because it is unknown to divine Love. Fear is no thing — nothing claiming to be something.

You may remember the story of Peter's attempt to walk on the water, as related in the fourteenth chapter of Matthew. Peter said, "Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased." Jesus immediately recognized Peter's difficulty as doubt and fear. Jesus did not say anything about the wind or waves, nor did he mention the possibility of Peter's drowning. "Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him." Then Jesus rebuked Peter's lack of faith and doubt. This compassionate gesture, combined with the Master's audible treatment concerning doubt and fear, not only brought Peter safely to the ship, but also quieted the storm — "the wind ceased." When we quiet our own fears, or the fears of those upon whom our thought rests, concern and misgivings disappear, and faith, confidence, and calmness reign supreme.

Protective Work

The statement that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" applies particularly to students of Christian Science, for, of all people, we should know most about the "ounce of prevention." We can prevent many unhappy experiences by keeping our own thought right, that is, by keeping it kind, gentle, and loving. We shall find it helpful to ponder this fact. We do not see erroneous persons and things; rather, we are tempted to see persons and things erroneously.

According to the teachings of Christ Jesus, it is possible to see a perfectly good man, on the one hand, and the evil thoughts that would tempt him, on the other. Jesus named these evil thoughts Satan. His warning to Peter was in this way, "Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat" (Luke 22:31). Peter was wholly unaware that he was being tempted, so subtle were those satanic thoughts. Then Jesus told him plainly that on that very day, before the cock would crow, he would deny his Master. Peter could not believe it, but we know that he did deny that he ever knew such a man. Now Jesus did not try to stop that experience; he only prayed that Peter's faith would survive the experience — that it would not fail. We are happy to know that his faith did survive that shock.

We should realize more fully that nothing can reach us except that which comes directly from God, and it is always good. As children of God, we cannot be made to think, act, manifest, or portray the thoughts of others, because we receive and entertain only God's thoughts. For simple, practical, protective work, let us take the Lord's Prayer for our model and know that God does save us from evil, and also from the temptation to do evil, as we love God supremely and love our neighbor as ourselves.

A Happy Religion

Christian Science is a religion which teaches and promotes happiness. In this respect it coincides with Christ Jesus' statement to his disciples, "Your joy no man taketh from you." One of the outward indications of an inward spiritual peace should certainly be a happy countenance. The only religion worthy of serious consideration is that one which in practice conforms to its preaching. To be altogether to its preaching.

If we have a religion that causes us to be kind to our neighbors, then our neighbors may want to know more about it; they may want to know what church we attend, and some day they may wish to attend that church and partake of its blessings.

A woman who lived on the wrong side of the railroad track decided she would like to join a church in her city, so she went to see the pastor about it. He was not enthusiastic about having a woman from that neighborhood in his congregation, so to dissuade her he said: "Well now, Mandy, you talk with God. Tell Him that you are thinking about joining our church. Ask Him if He feels that your surroundings are such that you will make a desirable member. You can come back some day and tell me what God said to you." Considerable time elapsed and, as he had not heard from Mandy, he felt that his psychology had been very effective. He felt so sure of himself that, one day when he met her on the street, he said, "Mandy, did you speak to God about joining our church, as I suggested?"

And she answered, "Yes, Pastor I did."

He asked, "What did God say to you?"

She smiled and replied: "God said, 'Never mind, Mandy, do not be bothered by their reluctance to accept you. I have been trying to get into that church for some twenty years myself and have not, as yet, been accepted.'"

By our loving thought, our kindly smile, and our genuine Christian fellowship, we shall prove to all mankind that our church has accepted God.

A number of people have told me that the first time they attended a Christian Science church they were very favorably impressed by the happy faces and the cordial smiles that greeted them.


The Effect of Thought

In referring to man, the book of Proverbs says, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." Our thoughts have a greater effect on our physical well-being than we are in the habit of realizing. In his diary, Leonardo da Vinci gave us concrete proof of the effect of our thinking upon our facial expression. In 1478 Da Vinci received a commission to paint "The Last Supper," and he soon painted all the figures with the exception of Jesus and Judas. He found a model with a beautiful face that portrayed the noble character of Jesus, and then for many years he searched in vain for a model for Judas.

Finally, he located a model with a repulsive face and greedy features that well portrayed the character of Judas. When he had finished the painting, the model indicated that Da Vinci had seen him before. Da Vinci inquired where and when he had seen him, to which the model replied "I am the same man who was your model for Jesus some eleven years ago." An unfortunate love affair, excessive pride, hate, and desire for revenge, brought about the complete transformation in the features of this famous model. Consider what wrong thinking can do to our facial expression, if a young man noble enough in appearance to sit as a model for the picture of Jesus could so change his facial expression in eleven years to be an ideal model for Judas.

Sometime when you are visiting with a friend, watch his facial expression. When he describes some unhappy situation or criticizes or condemns another, he is apt to scowl and set his lips. When he changes to a happier and more constructive subject the lines disappear and the mouth softens. If wrong thinking can harden or twist a face, it is conceivable that it has a similar effect on the various material organs. Then if right thinking restores the face to a pleasant, normal appearance, it is certain that right thinking has a beneficial effect on the so-called organs of the body. "As [a man] thinketh, so is he."

Christ Jesus

The teaching of Christian Science regarding Christ Jesus is concisely stated in Mrs. Eddy's Message to The Mother Church for 1901 (p. 8): "The Christ was Jesus' spiritual selfhood; therefore Christ existed prior to Jesus, who said, 'Before Abraham was, I am.' Jesus, the only immaculate, was born of a virgin mother, and Christian Science explains that mystic saying of the Master as to his dual personality, or the spiritual and material Christ Jesus, called in Scripture the Son of God and the Son of man — explains it as referring to his eternal spiritual selfhood and his temporal manhood." Christ is the divine idea; Jesus is the human individual.

It is sometimes said that Christian Scientists do not believe in nor accept Christ Jesus. The truth of the matter is that Christian Scientists do believe in, accept, and reverence Christ Jesus. We so completely accept his words and instructions that we, to the best of our ability, humbly follow him. He said, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give." As a result of our complete acceptance of Jesus' teachings, Christian Scientists are successfully healing all manner of sickness and sin. We experience harmony to the degree that the Mind of Christ controls each situation.


Paul admonished us to "pray without ceasing," and Mrs. Eddy wrote (Science and Health, p. 4), "The habitual struggle to be always good is unceasing prayer." Right thinking, constructive thinking, helpful thinking is devout prayer. We must train ourselves to "pray without ceasing." Prayer is not a burden to be borne, an obligation to be fulfilled; conversely, prayer is a blessed privilege to be utilized gratefully and gladly. Prayer is a sacred method of becoming better acquainted with God. Prayer is an attitude of thought; a desire to express the nature of God, a constant endeavor to rise above apathy, selfishness, and sin. Prayer is a song of gratitude to God for His goodness to man.

In the epistle of James we have the following promise: "And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up." The "prayer of faith" includes a realization of God's goodness. The "prayer of faith" includes a sincere acknowledgment that God is the only creator and that everything that He made was and is profoundly good. The "prayer of faith" includes the recognition of the absolute unreality of sin, sickness, lack, and death. The "prayer of faith" includes the joyous acknowledgment that health, harmony, prosperity, peace, and perfection are the only real. The "prayer of faith" includes a profound sense of gratitude for the blessings that God has already bestowed upon us.

As earnest students of Christian Science, we turn to the Bible for comfort, counsel, instruction, and guidance. The first tenet of Christian Science is, "As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life" (Science and Health, p. 497).

In conclusion, let us consider God's great promise as recorded by Paul, "My grace is sufficient for thee." While this promise was addressed to Paul, it is also a promise for you and for me. If you are struggling with a claim of sickness, accept and utilize this promise of God in a practical, demonstrable way. If the difficulty is weakness or fatigue, God's grace is sufficient to establish complete strength for you. If the difficulty is pain, God's grace is sufficient to establish ease and comfort for you. If the problem is one of lack, God’s grace is sufficient to establish an abundance of every needful thing for you. If an accident confronts you, God's grace is sufficient to provide security and protection for you. If you are ill, God's grace is sufficient to restore perfect health to you. Always remember that God's grace is sufficient to make every necessary adjustment and to meet your every need. Wherever you are, irrespective of the circumstances that seem to surround you, it is your blessed privilege to utilize God's sacred promise, "My grace is sufficient to thee."


[Delivered April 15, 1946, in the Murat Theatre under the auspices of Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist, Indianapolis, Indiana, and published in The Marion County Mail of Indianapolis, Indiana, April 19, 1946.]