Christian Science: The Revelation of God's Blessings


Salem Andrew Hart, C.S.B., of Cleveland, Ohio

Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church,

The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts


Among the comprehensive teachings of Christ Jesus are found the wisest of counsel and a perfect criterion for righteous living. In his Sermon on the Mount, he covered every condition of life so that none need be in doubt as to the right course of action under any and all circumstances. The logic of the Master's teachings is so perfect that it cannot be denied. The Apostle Paul took up the work of full discipleship with the Master, helping to establish the Christian Church upon the Nazarene's teachings, and Jesus' true followers for a long period did likewise. But doubt and fear presented themselves, vision again became darkened, the works ceased to be performed, and discipleship became largely a question of doctrine and belief rather than of understanding and works. Christian Science has revived the works of the early Christians, and again the sick are healed and the sinner reformed through spiritual means alone.

The teachings of Christian Science are fully set forth in the Christian Science text-book, of which Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, is the author. Describing the basis and method of her discovery, Mrs. Eddy has written: "The Scriptures were illumined; reason and revelation were reconciled, and afterwards the truth of Christian Science was demonstrated." (Science and Health, page 110)

Jesus taught that good cannot produce evil, and he proved by his works that sin and sickness are errors of belief which he could and did destroy. He promised that his followers should do the works that he was able to do (see John 14:12) and thanks to Mrs. Eddy's patient and tireless efforts in giving Christian Science to the world, thousands of her followers are able to follow the commands of the blessed Master today, as did the disciples of old.

Blessing for All

Students of Christian Science early learn to ponder and to love Mrs. Eddy's beautiful statement in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (page 206), "In the scientific relation of God to man, we find that whatever blesses one blesses all, as Jesus showed with the loaves and the fishes, — Spirit, not matter, being the source of supply"; and again on page 57 of this same book, "Happiness is spiritual, born of Truth and Love. It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone, but requires all mankind to share it." In our modern Christian Era, Mrs. Eddy was the first to be blessed with the precious gift of Christian healing, when in the year 1866, with her discovery of Christian Science and its revelation of spiritual law, she grasped the stately import of the mission of Christ Jesus. On page 109 of the Christian Science textbook, Mrs. Eddy has written: "I knew the Principle of all harmonious Mind-action to be God, and that cures were produced in primitive Christian healing by holy, uplifting faith; but I must know the Science of this healing, and I won my way to absolute conclusions through divine revelation, reason, and demonstration."

It was clear to Mrs. Eddy that a scientific knowledge of God belongs to spiritual man by divine decree: that what had blessed her so signally must bless all mankind; and that it was her mission to present this unfoldment to the world in the pure correctness with which it had been revealed to her. This she did in orderly fashion, in accordance with the divine plan revealed to her step by step, and recorded in her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and in her other writings, including the "Manual of The Mother Church."

God at Hand

One recalls the noble utterances of the prophets of old, as recorded in the Bible, voicing the most profound assurance that God is a God at hand, and not a God afar off: that divine power is ever available; that God's law is ever present, ever operative, to ameliorate the hardships and sufferings of humanity and to guide all people who earnestly seek Him, in the right direction.

Christian Science is doing much to revive confidence in the assurance of God's government of His universe and the manifestation of His law in the affairs of men, by renewing interest in the demonstration and acceptance of Jesus' teachings. Christian Science is the restoration of primitive Christianity and it asserts with perfect faith that God is at hand and available to solve every problem which may present itself. Also it repeats and reiterates the assurance that "The Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save," and that God is Love and has ordained no law of sin or sickness for us: that God is a living God whom men may come to know through gaining the mind of Christ. When we realize that man is the image and likeness of God, therefore pure and perfect, man's true relationship as a child of God is established in thought. When we awaken to this truth and realize man's true sonship, his oneness with his Father-Mother God, how realistic and assuring are the words recorded in the gospel of St. Matthew, "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." (Matthew 5:8).

Forsaking Evil

The understanding that God, Mind, is the only intelligence and that this divine intelligence is conscious only of the spiritual and perfect, the eternal ideas of Mind, uncovers the unreality of evil and proves that it has no power and no abiding place in the realm of infinite Truth. The Bible tells us that God made all "and without him was not any thing made that was made," and that He pronounced all He made good. If good is all, evil is nothing. Evil, then, is reduced to mere belief: and as belief, it is reduced to its native state of nothingness by putting Truth in its place.

When the prophet Isaiah admonished his people to "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts" (Isaiah 55:7), he pointed out the way of salvation from sin and all evil doing: and so, today men are saved by abandoning all unrighteous and wicked thoughts and thus evil is forsaken. This process of elimination is simple and logical, and when we are obedient to the law of right thinking, and think only of good, then shall we manifest peace and harmony and be free to enjoy the blessings of present day salvation. Also, we shall awaken to the fact that salvation is not afar off, is not something to be achieved in the distant future, but that men are saved here and now by realizing that man is the image and likeness of God, of perfection, and that evil has no abiding place in a consciousness filled with good.

Right Thinking

Doubtless few people realize how unrestrained their thinking is till they begin in the words of Paul, the effort to bring "into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (II Corinthians 10:5). Each day, each hour, offers opportunity to correct and enlarge our vision by refusing to allow error to form images of thought for us; by refusing to entertain thoughts of doubt, fear, disaster, failure, revenge, resentment, or anger. In other words, by denying the evidence of sense-testimony, which is so misleading and delusive, and in proportion to our understanding of God as the only Mind, and of man created in the image and likeness of God as reflecting this Mind, just in that proportion shall we be enabled to destroy these conflicting beliefs about God and man. Then we shall realize the blessing that follows our obedience to this daily opportunity for right thinking.

A great writer has said — and it is a real truism — "We are not what we think we are, but what we think, we are." So can you not see the importance of guarding our thinking; of standing, as Mrs. Eddy tells us, "porter at the door of thought" and not admitting these intruding erroneous beliefs whose sole purpose is to deceive, to darken, to becloud our way in our journey from sense to Soul, and to keep us from trusting God to guide us?

Right Persistency

True persistence is persistence in good only and requires diligent, steadfast effort to accomplish a laudable end. In obedience to the Master's command, "go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature!", the disciples proved that persistent and consecrated effort brings infinite blessings, for their obedience was blessed with success. So we must be persistent and consistent in our endeavor to observe and understand the demands of truth; and by being obedient to these demands, we reach the goal of perfection. Christian Science teaches us how to achieve this blessed result by persistent study and application of what we study, and in proportion to our consecrated effort, just in that proportion do we make progress, and grow in spiritual understanding.

Very little is accomplished in any direction by haphazard methods. In answer to the inquiry, "How can I progress most rapidly in the understanding of Christian Science?", Mrs. Eddy replies: "Study thoroughly the letter and imbibe the spirit. Adhere to the divine Principle of Christian Science and follow the behests of God, abiding steadfastly in wisdom, Truth, and Love." (Science and Health, page 495). Daily study of the Bible and the Christian Science textbook — which elucidates the spiritual meaning of the Scriptures — will supply one with ability to imbibe the spirit and the truth which the Master promised would make us free. Free from what? From all sickness and sin; from every inharmonious and wrong condition; and it also gives us an understanding of the practical working rule exemplified so ably by the Master.

Study and Application

Through this study we find that divine Mind, Truth, alone governs man: that Truth alone sustains man with purity, peace, love, and sinless joy: that man is sheltered from ignorance, fear, lack, sorrow, sickness; in fact from error of every sort, by Truth. This understanding of Truth requires faithful and consecrated effort on our part. It is evident that Truth can neither know nor maintain aught that claims to be unlike itself, and we need to know this in order to experience the blessings of Truth.

The teachings of Christian Science show clearly that the realization of the blessings of Truth comes only as we replace in thought, error with Truth, and false beliefs with true ideas; and having done this, to remain steadfast in the consciousness of Truth. In this way alone can we  claim and realize man's inheritance of true being, man's at-one-ment with Truth. This realization will destroy forever the claim of an existence or power apart from God.

The student of Christian Science soon learns the importance of careful study and application of the teachings of the Holy Bible. There is ample evidence that many have been lifted out of the depths of despair by reading the Bible daily, and as a result of this many healings of sickness and sin have taken place. One instance is that of a lady who was suffering from a nervous disorder. In her search for relief, she was advised by a friend to read and study the Bible every day. Although inclined to resent this advice, she was, nevertheless, obedient and after diligent search, and study of the Scriptures her healing, which followed, was gratefully acknowledged and she expressed deep gratitude to God for the many blessings which followed her awakening to the importance of this daily study. It is not so much the things we do, as the way in which we do them, that is of value; so it is necessary to study the Bible daily with an appreciation of the spiritual truth it contains, and unless we put this truth into everyday practice we lose its healing influence.

When someone said to Abraham Lincoln: "I hope God is on our side," he immediately replied: "My concern is not whether God is on our side. My great concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right." We may well pause and ponder this humble statement, search the depth of its spiritual significance, and be ready and willing to carry its message into everyday life; then shall we be more than ever "on God's side." When we are not "on God's side" all manner of sickness and sin seems very real; and sorrow and suffering come to us because of our belief of an existence apart from God. Mortal existence retreats before true communion with God and the Christian Scientist rejoices in his realization of this true communion which an understanding of God brings.


One of the great blessings that the understanding of Christian Science brings to mankind is the destruction of those sources of many ills, namely: fear, doubt, hatred, resentment, self-pity, self-importance, and so forth. It comes today preaching a gospel that both heals and saves; and with the compassionate spirit of Jesus, looks upon mortals in their struggle with sin, sickness, and death, and tells them that the same Christ, Truth, that enabled Jesus to heal the sick and reform the sinner will also heal them today. To all inharmonious conditions Christian Science says "Peace be still."

Sometimes we hear it said that Christian Scientists are cold, unsympathetic, and so forth, regarding sickness and sin, and that they do nothing to help those who may be suffering from such beliefs, but rather that they tell them to forget it or ignore it: that they are not sick, and all they need to do is to imagine they are well. Surely such a statement would not be made by anyone understanding Christian Science. On page 460 of Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy writes: "Sickness is neither imaginary nor unreal, — that is, to the frightened, false sense of the patient. Sickness is more than fancy; it is solid conviction. It is therefore to be dealt with through right apprehension of the truth of being."

The Christian Science practitioner, when called upon for assistance, does not ignore sickness; but he knows that God did not make it and does not send it, and that it is a false or unreal condition which Truth can and does destroy. He endeavors to see as real only the spiritual, pure, and perfect man. He declares the truth of being which destroys the belief of error and when the patient is awakened to this truth, he is healed. The true Christian Science practitioner does not lack in sympathy and compassion, but is patient, loving, and kind with those who believe they are sick. He knows that God is All-in-all: that there is no other power nor Mind; that God does not make anyone sick; therefore the practitioner works by fervent and effectual prayer, to destroy a false belief rather than a true condition.

Unceasing Prayer

Christian Scientists are proving and demonstrating daily that God does answer the righteous prayer of the sick and the sinning. This prayer, however, is not a blind petition to a God who supposedly afflicts his children by sending sickness and punishment, but rather is it based upon a spiritual understanding of God as the author of all good: an unceasing faith in God's omnipotence; an unceasing love for God and man.

On page 1 of the Christian Science textbook, Mrs. Eddy writes: "The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God, — a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love." On this basis the Christian Scientist prays the prayer of thanksgiving, the prayer of gratitude to a loving Father who knows no sickness, no suffering but who has already done all things well; who has supplied our every need.

Christian Scientists rejoice in their understanding of true prayer and in their ability to pray without ceasing. We read in the Christian Science textbook: "The habitual struggle to be always good is unceasing prayer. Its motives are made manifest in the blessings they bring, — blessings which, even if not acknowledged in audible words, attest our worthiness to be partakers of Love" (Science and Health, page 4:12), and so Christian Scientists are grateful for the blessings which follow that yearning, that hungering after righteousness which enables them to prove the words of our Master, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." (Matthew 5:6).

Meekness a Blessing

Christian Science shows clearly that in order to heal the sick and reform the sinner as Jesus did, one must acquire an understanding of true meekness. One of the great hindrances to the attainment of this understanding is self-will, stubborn, head-strong, human will, if you please, which always wants its own way regardless of the rights of others. What an erroneous concept of strength and power. Meekness gives strength and spiritual power for it is born of love that, Paul tells us, "vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up." (I Corinthians 13:4). This true meekness appears as the so-called human mind is purged of its self-will, and one finds his true nature as a son of God, the image and likeness of God to whom is given dominion over all the earth.

True meekness does not mean that we should be dominated by others or by another's mentality. Jesus said, "I can of mine own self do nothing," and it was this meekness that gave him power to heal the sick. It was the acknowledgment that God is the only power, that enabled Moses to lead the children of Israel out of the wilderness; out of captivity. When writing of Abraham Lincoln, a poet has said that he "held on through blame and faltered not at praise." It was true meekness which enabled Lincoln to do this, and we can achieve this meekness only as we understand that to God alone belongs "the kingdom, and the power, and the glory." Only then shall we realize the blessing promised by the Master when he said: "'Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." (Matthew 5:5).

With God

Jesus realized the great blessing that follows a clear understanding of man's unity with God, that, is of the true spiritual idea of God and man, of God and His reflection, as evidenced by his reply to his disciples' question: "Who then can be saved?," which answer we find recorded in the gospel of St. Mark: "With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible." (St. Mark 10:27.)

It is evident from this statement that Jesus was showing the necessity of keeping the true sense of unity with God by constant communion with Him. This true sense brings to light the spiritual fact that God is all-inclusive being: All-in-all: thus God is Mother as well as Father. Mrs. Eddy tells us in Science and Health, page 332, "Father-Mother is the name for Deity, which indicates His tender relationship to His spiritual creation." Jesus' perfect understanding and realization of the ever-presence of the Christ, of this tender spiritual relationship of Father and son, Mind and its perfect idea, enabled him to see man as the image and likeness of God. His clear understanding of this truth resulted in the healing of the sick and the reformation of the sinner.

In a very marked degree Christian Scientists are proving daily the omnipotence and eternal presence of the Christ, the true spiritual idea, to which Jesus referred when in answer to John the Baptist's question, "Art thou he that should come?" he said, "Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: the blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me." (Matthew 11:4,5,6.)

Rendering Service

It is cause for deep gratitude that in the world today hundreds of men and women are consecrating their lives to the service of humanity. They have learned through Christian Science that their love for God can be measured only by their love for man. Such a love never stops with doing its duty. It does not ask how much must I do for the cause of God and suffering humanity, but how much may I do?

While visiting an art gallery in one of our western cities, my attention was drawn to a diary which had been kept by Benjamin Franklin. There in his own handwriting appeared the following: "My awakening thought for the day: What good can I do today?" and at the end of the day: "My closing thought: What good have I done today?"

Christian Scientists long to follow the Master in all his demonstrations and this can be done by meekly following his demonstration of Truth in all their dealings with their fellow men. Through the study of the Gospels they learn that loving service, compassionate consideration for others and obedience to the Golden Rule, are qualities which must be brought out in daily contacts in order to express the divine nature in such a degree that scientific healing power may be utilized.

Thus, through putting loving service first, do we gain eternal riches; an altogether satisfying sense of substance which can be gained in no other way: and hence we realize that because we are more loving and kind, we are open to God's blessing.

Overcoming Fear

Our progress and growth in Christian Science is greatly hindered by a dark cloud called fear. What is fear? It is worry, doubt, ignorance, false belief. One time a little boy was driving a horse down to a boat landing where a large steamer was belching out volumes of black smoke, and the horse became nervous and frightened. The little boy, in trying to quiet the animal said, "Don't be frightened Dandy, that is only smoke." And so it is today. These fears, which are evidences of sense testimony falsely entertained, are only smoke screens to obscure the Truth that makes man free. Wild animals can be tamed by kindness, by love. The horse can be led near to the smoke and learn that it is not a thing to be feared. Are we more fierce than the beast in the forest? Less intelligent than the horse? It has never entered into God's plan to have His children suffer, so what is it that brings on fear and pain? Our own false beliefs about God and His creation: and just in proportion to our acceptance of these beliefs do we suffer and pay the penalty.

Mrs. Eddy tells us on page 411:20 of the Christian Science textbook: "The procuring cause and foundation of all sickness is fear, ignorance, or sin. Disease is always induced by a false sense mentally entertained, not destroyed." Now to overcome this fear we must love more, and realize man's perfection in love: this realization is one of God's blessings. Mrs. Eddy writes: "The Apostle John says: 'There is no fear in Love, but perfect Love casteth out fear. . . . He that feareth is not made perfect in Love.' Here is a definite and inspired proclamation of Christian Science." (Science and Health 410:17).

Man Not Material

Christian Science brings to mankind immeasurable blessings in the revelation of the spiritual nature of man in God's likeness. It is recorded in the first chapter of Genesis that God created man in His own image and likeness. The Bible also tells us that God is Spirit: Therefore man created in the image and likeness of Spirit must be spiritual and perfect. John tells us "God is Love;" consequently the image of Love must be loving, tender, kind, and affectionate; and man must continually reflect Love. This understanding of man as revealed in Christian Science enables us to discern perfect man; to see our brother as perfect and harmonious; and makes it possible for us to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Christian Science teaches that God is Life: therefore man can never die for he is reflecting Life. The mesmeric belief that matter is substance, and has life and sensation, would try to convince us that man is material and subject to the material law of advancing years, decrepitude, and finally old age and death. Christian Science bids us to awake — awake from this fallacy, and delusion; this belief of human existence and of life as dependent on matter. There is no law to support such a belief, and so this belief being man made, is annihilated by the divine law of Life. Christian Science reveals the perfect man: and when this revelation is understood, the sick are healed and the sinner is reformed.


Christian Science brings out clearly the value of true protection, and teaches how we can protect ourselves by being constantly alert to the error of wrong thinking and by resisting the suggestion of sin, fear, sick thoughts, and so forth.

The mental atmosphere we breathe is largely of our own creating: and when we control our environment and our surroundings, when we are mentally alert to the suggestions of evil, and refuse to entertain thoughts unlike good — then are we protecting ourselves. While sojourning in one of our western cities it was my privilege to visit an aircraft establishment where a large metal dirigible was being constructed. At the nose of this ship is a propeller whose purpose is to create a vacuum in the air for the ship to pass through. This is done by forcing the air from the front of the ship to the rear, making it positive instead of negative, and thereby giving a strong driving force, and at the same time distributing the air all around the ship, thus protecting it from storms and side currents. In other words, this creates the ship's own atmosphere. And so, through the study and application of the teachings of Christian Science, we are blessed with the understanding of God and man which enables us to make our thinking positive; and like the dirigible, we are protected, insulated — immune, if you please — from the false beliefs of sickness and sin. By utilizing and exercising our God-given birthright of spiritual dominion, we are enabled to control to a large degree our mental atmosphere.

Food For Thought

The Christian Science textbook, and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy, contain all the food necessary to sustain us in our journey from sense to Soul; from materiality to spirituality. Those who are mentally alert, cannot be misled into believing that greater and more rapid progress can be made Spiritward by studying books and writings other than those given us by our beloved Leader. If we yield to the temptation we are in danger of being lost as a sheep is lost. Some one has said that a sheep goes astray, not because it is wicked or bad, but because in its eagerness to get the best pasture, it keeps its eye on the ground and does not look up. Our beloved Leader tells us on page 451 of the Christian Science textbook, "Man walks in the direction toward which he looks, and where his treasure is, there will his heart be also. If our hopes and affections are spiritual, they come from above not from beneath, and they bear as of old the fruits of Spirit."

In climbing a ladder one finds that he cannot ignore the lower rungs and reach the top successfully: therefore, in our eagerness to gain or reach the ultimate of spiritual understanding, that understanding where God is revealed as the only creator, we must constantly look up and walk toward the light which shineth unto a perfect day, being patient in our initial steps. Mrs. Eddy tells us to "Emerge gently from matter into Spirit." (Science and Health, 485:14.) The important thing is to emerge: and our definite purpose should be to find and follow the narrow path of Truth and Love which leads to spiritual understanding — the consciousness that God is All-in-all. How comforting and assuring are the following lines of one of our hymns in the "Christian Science Hymnal":


God is the Life, the Truth, the Way

Which leads unto the perfect day,

The Way which mortals should adore,

If they would reach the unseen shore.


Come to this fount which flows for all,

Come, and accept the gracious call,

Jesus, who came the Way to show,

Has said, that all, the Way may know.


Press forward to the Horeb height,

Look up and thou shalt see the Light

Acquaint thyself at once with Love,

And Truth shall guide to Light above.

(Hymn 28)


The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science

In all Christian Science churches Wednesday evening meetings are held in which testimonies of healing through Christian Science are given. One cannot attend one of these meetings without being deeply impressed with the sincerity of the gratitude expressed (by those who speak) to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for all the blessings that come to them daily as they study and apply her teachings. These testimonies are the fruits resulting from the study and application of the "divine Principle of scientific mental healing" (Science and Health, page 107) as taught in Christian Science.

These results prove conclusively that our beloved Leader was inspired and divinely led to write the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"; and in the year 1875 she gave to the world the result of the revelation which came to her of the "divine laws of Life, Truth, and Love" (Science and Health, page 107), and named her discovery or revelation, "Christian Science."

This healing power of the Christ, as set forth in the Christian Science textbook, brought to the world an awakening to the gospel as taught by Christ Jesus. This textbook is truly a key to the Scriptures which dispels mystery and makes plain the word of God to man. But mankind was, and has been, rather reluctant to accept this awakening and it was only through patient perseverance and toil that this pure and spiritually minded New England woman bore the heat and burden of the day. She met and overcame many obstacles, withstood persecution, malice, envy, and hatred; always with her face to the light because she was thoroughly convinced that her discovery was in accordance with God's law and it only remained for her to prove her discovery of this law of God. This she did; and through her spiritual understanding of God and His reflection, man, she was enabled to bring about many instantaneous healings of what mortal mind would call incurable disease. On page 110 of the Christian Science textbook, Mrs. Eddy writes, "No human pen nor tongue taught me the Science contained in this book, Science and Health; and neither tongue nor pen can overthrow it." So in spite of these persecutions and obstacles, Mrs. Eddy proved this to be true, and Christian Science stands today a demonstrable practical science, proved to be so by thousands within its ranks who bear living testimony to what it has done and is doing for all mankind.

Christian Scientists rejoice in their understanding of this healing power of the Christ and they are glad to be found worthy to suffer the stings and rebukes that attend the footsteps of Truth, which destroys error; and when this error is destroyed, this blessing, promised by the Master, will be realized: "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." (Matthew 5:11-12).

An Instance of Healing

A woman, suffering from what the physician pronounced tuberculosis, was told by this physician that her only hope was to go to Arizona where she might find relief in its climate. Discouraged and despairing, she turned to Christian Science and with a friend attended the Sunday morning service. At this service an announcement was made of a Christian Science lecture to be given that afternoon; this lady attended the lecture, being one of an audience of over eight thousand people. During the lecture she was instantaneously healed of this false belief called tuberculosis, and today she is happy and buoyant, and is constantly expressing her gratitude for this healing; this awakening from the day-dream of life, sensation, and intelligence in matter; from material belief to spiritual understanding,


While thousands have been awakened from this Adam-dream of sin, sickness, and suffering, there are those who are still dreaming away the hours of material existence, all because of doubt and fear. Doubt that Christian Science can heal — fear that its teachings are too difficult to understand. Many believe that Christian Science is only for the learned and intellectual. This is not true; and this belief is only an argument of so-called mortal mind, which would endeavor to keep us from enjoying the blessings which come to us by reason of a clear spiritual understanding of God and the perfection of His creation. We are admonished daily to express gratitude to God for His goodness and the many blessings that come to us by reason of "a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love" (Science and Health, 1:3), and thus be about our Father's business.

True Business

The keynote of a true sense of business is "Service First", and in the business world today there are many striking examples of the way in which the adoption of "Service First" has proved to be of great value. This spirit of service is not a new idea, for it was preached and practiced by Christ Jesus while he was on earth; and Jesus was without doubt the most successful business man that ever trod the earth. He was always about the Father's business and ever admonishing his followers to be loving and meek, and to render service. He taught that by giving, and not merely by striving for one's self, is the true idea of business gained. Jesus impressed his followers with the necessity of meeting their obligations promptly and in this way their rights were maintained and they were assured of them. His utterance "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it" is a sound business doctrine. A man who loses himself in his task of doing good and in seeking to help his fellow-man, soon finds that his rights and interests are better guarded. True success is not built upon the failure of others, but by helping others. There is an old saying, "Live and let live," but the Christian ideal should, be "Live and help others to live." This motto was exemplified by Jesus, and Christian Scientists are endeavoring to follow the Master in all his ways.

A better understanding of God, which comes to us through the study of the Christian Science textbook, enables us to increase our income by understanding our capacity to receive: it shows us the nothingness of competition, and the allness of co-operation, for it teaches us that there is love enough for all, and that "whatever blesses one blesses all."

Captains of industry today are looking for qualities of the heart in men they would put at the head of their organizations; and not simply at their technical and scientific skill. They are insisting that department heads must be good men in business rather than merely good business men, for co-operation in industry calls for men of patience, sympathy, love, and of Christian qualities. The following statement by Sir Henry Thornton, President of the Canadian National Railway System, appeared in an article written for the Canadian National Railway magazine: "Real Christianity is the basis of good business conduct. There are more good business principles in the New Testament than in all the books in the world having to do with business methods."

Through the study of Christian Science many business men have found a true and scientific way of drawing others unto the truth, and thus are they healing the sick and reforming the sinner because they are about the Father's business and know the worth of loving service as revealed by our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, whose life was a synonym for unselfed love and loving service.


Friends, Christian Science brings to us clearly the richness of God's blessings, and an understanding of eternal Life; and it behooves us to pause and ponder in silence these blessings. This admonition is beautifully set forth in the following lines:


In consciousness comes the Christ, Truth, to each one,

Waking we see the eternal, the real.

Keeping commandments, our burdens are lightened.

Heaven within us, the Truth does reveal.


Praying aright, healing sin, sickness, sorrow,

Showing the way from darkness and strife;

"That Thou hast heard me, I thank Thee," said Jesus.

Then proved the presence of Eternal Life.


Let us in silence remember our blessings,

Giving the glory to Infinite Love.

Let us in silence remember our blessings,

Giving the glory ever to God.


— Charles Frederick Stayner.

